The Surprising Thing about Gratitude - Open Calls

Walk Bye has not one but TWO open calls for December! As you may know, the concept of Walk Bye is creating outdoor opportunities as a way to connect with others and it originated during the pandemic, a time of severe social isolation. You’re encouraged to look through Walk Bye’s website, Instagram and/or Facebook to get an idea of what they have been up to recently.

The theme for both calls is: The Surprising Thing about Gratitude

The theme was inspired by an article written by Kate Arends (IG: @witanddelight_ ). In the article she writes: “We can express this sense of appreciation in a couple of different ways. We can apply it to the past (positive memories of childhood or past blessings), the present (not taking what we have for granted), or the future (finding hope for what is to come).”

ONE: Public Art exhibition
Chosen submissions will be hung at Canco Park In Jersey City, NJ. No need to send the actual piece and the piece does not need to be for sale in order for you to partake. There is NO fee to participate. Selected images will be printed large on vinyl with your name, title, media, and your Instagram handle or website and become part of the exhibition that the Jersey City Public Library Marion Branch is sponsoring at Canco Park. It is best to get the submissions in as early as possible. Deadline to receive submissions is Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Please fill out the form here

TWO: Mail Art
To send a postcard in today's digital world is a simple, and incredibly underrated experience. It’s an expression to acknowledge others especially outside this new, mostly virtual way of life. A postcard expresses a desire to maintain a connection regardless of where the sender and the receiver may be. In addition to the beauty of the created or manipulated postcard, the story also includes the handwriting, which is peculiar to a specific person, the precision, or lack thereof of the placement of the postage stamp(s), the stories told by damage that can be incurred during its travels - all carry a rich narrative and establish a profound, interpersonal connection that simply cannot exist in cyberspace.

Walk_Bye invites you to create from scratch or manipulate a piece of art and then mail it to us. We encourage you to use lots of words and/or phrases in your submission, please use your native language, or that of the place you are living in... it DOES NOT need to be English only. The submission MUST NOT be in an envelope, it must be a postcard. No fee to participate. All submissions will become part of the "Mail Art" exhibition at the Jersey City Public Library Marion Branch and will be the sister show of a vinyl show at Canco Park. We will exhibit the postcards we receive at the Marion branch window. It is best to get the submissions in as early as possible.Please mail submission art to:
Marion Branch JC Public Library
c/o D. Reyes1017 Westside Avenue
Jersey City, NJ 07306

Deadline to receive mail art is Friday December 23rd, 2022

You can fill out the form here


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